Supporting Learning Disabilities and Early Intervention 

Taina Coleman, MA, MEd

Educational Specialist, Child Mind Institute


Thursday, March 30, 11 am – Noon, Darien Library Community Room

Hosted by Darien SEPAC and Darien Library

Parents are often the first to notice that their child might have a learning disorder.  Sometimes the signs are easy to spot — a student who just isn’t making headway in reading, for example. But the signs are not always as clear, and many children, embarrassed that they are struggling to do things that seem easy for other kids, go to pains to hide their difficulties.   In some cases, the signs are not so obvious, and getting support for a child’s learning can be challenging.  

This workshop provided practical advice and resources to help parents navigate early stages of learning more about a child’s learning profile, as learning profiles can change even as a child grows. The workshop also provided strategies for developing a strength-based approach to managing symptoms at school and at home and building skills for the future.

Topics Covered:

  • What is a learning disability? What are common early signs and symptoms?
  • Reading, Writing and Math-based difficulties
  • Executive Functioning difficulties
  • Speech and Language difficulties
  • How to support children with LD at different stages of their academic career